Abraham Maslow(1908-1970) ,father of enlightened of management, is American psychologist. Maslow contributed to psychology with creating Hierarchy of Needs. His provocative ideas about incentive, self-actualization and synergy have become well-known idea to many managers, management theorists and trainers. His humanistic approach to psychology has influenced fields as diverse as counseling, health care, education and marketing.
Maslow ordered human being needs like a steps. The most important needs,at the bottom,were biological and physiological –air,water,food,sex etc.-. Then there are sefety needs –security,order,stabiliyt-. Followed by belongingness and love –family,relationship etc.- then came esteem needs- self-esteem,prestige,status etc.- . At the top of it all were self-actualizing needs- realising personal potential,the need to fulfill oneself etc.-
Maslow group that needs are arranged in a hierarchy in terms of their influence. Although all needs are instinctive, some are more powerful than others. The lower the need is in the pyramid, the more powerful it is. The higher the need is in the pyramid, the weaker and more distinctly human it is. The lower, or basic, needs on the pyramid are similar to those possessed by non-human animals, but only humans own the higher needs.
There are some important implication for management from Maslow theory. Employers must provide their employees lunch breaks, rest breaks, and wages that are sufficient to purchase the essentials of life to correspond physiological needs. Similarly, employers must provide their employees a safe working environment, retirement benefits, and job security in terms of safety needs.In addition,Employers create a sense of community via team-based project and social events to carrespond social needs. Moreover, with respect to esteem needs, employers recognize achievements to make employees feel appreciated and valued. Finally,Employers provide employees a challenge and the opportunity to reach their full career potantial.
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